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application for admin

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application for admin  Empty application for admin

Post  General_Cornwallace Tue 5 Jul 2016 - 3:36

Application for Vampirism Ultra
Looking to help out with what ever I can.
I try and help out the new people as much as possible ( even if it means I die and coach them through it ),
Looking to stop all the people that over feed vamps, vamps give human items making game vary unbalanced, and when people bully other online players :evil:  looking to play for fun.

looking to help mention any small errors or major that get made in making new or altered maps for vampirism.

Extra hand can never hurt :) just saddens me that when you need a admin there never around anymore in games. or if they are they dont tend to help.

[center]Extra stuff to know[/center]
[center]ingame name Gen_cornwallace[/center]
[center]age: 17[/center]
[center]Contact me at wallacejh18@ gmail.com[/center]
[center]always up for a game if I am not busy[/center]
[center]Have a wonderful day/night!![/center]


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Join date : 2016-07-05
Age : 25
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application for admin  Empty Re: application for admin

Post  Apple.Time Thu 7 Jul 2016 - 10:03

Hi ho there,

Thanks for your application. 

First of all, are you already a part of Clan R0td on the Us East server ? Cause if you're not, your chance of getting moderator access will be really low. 

Moderator access is given to people who are trusted by some old clan members, best is to be trusted by some people from the moderator crew. 

Second, you have to be at least a member of R0td for some months already. 

Lastly, we just welcomed a new moderator in the crew, not so long ago, and seeng the number of game played everyday, there should be no need for another " active " moderator. 

So, if you are in R0td, and trusted by some moderator, try asking them for some support on your application. Otherwise, become a part of Clan R0td, wait some months, play fair, enjoy the game and prove yourself in front of the active modos, like psyscope, ShadowThong, CrazyLeo, etc...



Posts : 338
Join date : 2014-06-11
Age : 32
ROTD Rank : Vamp Ultra Lover <3
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application for admin  Empty Re: application for admin

Post  xutopia Thu 18 Aug 2016 - 20:46

Hey Gen! its true what Apple is saying about being in the clan and stuff, as well as win joining the mod/admin team. However, dont get discouraged if you get denied one time. I'm pretty sure win was also denied the first time Razz. But your application was a really strong one and genuinly looked really promising. Keep playing, keep helping others, and im sure if you join the clan and keep following the rules, you might just have a chance to make it Smile 

Have fun while Vamping Smile

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Post  Anonymou_s Mon 22 Aug 2016 - 17:49

Although i feel we have enough admins atm, you have been around for awhile and i do trust you. Accepted

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application for admin  Empty Re: application for admin

Post  xutopia Mon 22 Aug 2016 - 22:29

YAY congrats Gen Smile You seem like you'll do a fine job as admin Smile

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application for admin  Empty Re: application for admin

Post  Apple.Time Wed 24 Aug 2016 - 2:18

Welcome in the crew Very Happy

Posts : 338
Join date : 2014-06-11
Age : 32
ROTD Rank : Vamp Ultra Lover <3
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application for admin  Empty Re: application for admin

Post  General_Cornwallace Thu 25 Aug 2016 - 15:19

Thanks for all the support and thank you anon will not abuse or make admins look bad with the power you have trusted me with. Smile thank you again!!


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Post  OCD Thu 25 Aug 2016 - 16:46

The fact that you commented on the power you've been given definitely gives Anon hope Very Happy but yeah suuuuh dude welcome to the cool crew
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