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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty Admin Application - AbsDaLegend

Post  AbsDaLegend Mon 25 May 2015 - 19:56

Hey there peeps, from the title you could probably guessed what this message is going to be about! I want to apply for position as an admin for Vampirism Ultra. I don't mind being more involved with the other games our clan plays, but I passionately enjoy playing that one specific game. I've played for several hours a day since last August and this is reflected in my number of games played statistics. During my time playing this, I've become close to the regular players, I've become accustomed to them and believe have strengthened the community further. You can ask any of the regular players whether you believe I'm deserving of this position or not. I feel I can be a beacon of justice whilst playing, to get rid of the constant trollers and teach newcomers the basics, but at the same time know my own limits so as to not abuse any privileges. I know the responsibility such a role demands, that I would have to get even closer to all players and be a leader of sorts, so as to represent our clan to all types of players, newbies or regulars. The idea of becoming an admin was further reinforced when I was told I should apply by a few people like Xutopia, Upsettu and OCD. I feel I've arrived at the stage where I can begin enforcing rules and maintaining order within the game rather than just watch it fall apart. For example, I had a game lasting 2 hours because the vampire refused to move from the fountain in the middle. Now, I'm not really complaining because I could've easily just left and joined the next game - no harm done. Except it's a waste of all the time leading to that point and by just leaving, the vampire will feel like he's won and will repeat this tactic again and again. If they know that they can be beat no matter the time limit, then perhaps they will leave earlier? Players like that abandon all gaming etiquette and ruin it for others due to their egos.

I would also love to teach new players how to play! I've had players like jackaboy, nat157 , mage.noir - all ask me to teach them how to play. This would be so much easier if, for example, I could host a game with the bot with just me and them in it, that way I could tell them what to do and when to do it, just to grasp the basics, then they have atleast a little experience before going into a real game with regulars. Several regular players get really upset at new players due to their feeding, but I understand that this is a consequence of every game. And instead of being upset, we - the regular players, should be the ones guiding the new ones forward, so that they actually want to play the game more! So that they join the community and want to donate and genuinely have fun! 

Anyways, that's my essay done, I appreciate the time you take to read this, I know how busy you all are Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Icon_razz!
ClanRotd Bot Admin:
ClanRotd Bot Admin:

Posts : 17
Join date : 2015-01-02
ROTD Rank : Shaman
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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty Re: Admin Application - AbsDaLegend

Post  xutopia Tue 26 May 2015 - 17:02


ClanRotd Bot Admin:
ClanRotd Bot Admin:

Posts : 133
Join date : 2015-01-26
ROTD Rank : super cool
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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Experience:
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0/0Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty Re: Admin Application - AbsDaLegend

Post  xutopia Tue 26 May 2015 - 17:04

"I feel I can be a beacon of justice whilst playing"

hes got my vote. hes got lots of experience and is nice. hes also...... you know......... good. But the thing is, he is very helpful to the newcomers and doesnt ignore them like some of the other players. So overall, yea... hes gud. goteth my vote.... and you know.... cause he mentioned me in the post..... you know... i like it P)(:

ClanRotd Bot Admin:
ClanRotd Bot Admin:

Posts : 133
Join date : 2015-01-26
ROTD Rank : super cool
Warn Status :
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: [MOS Name & Number]
MOS Experience:
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0/0Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty Re: Admin Application - AbsDaLegend

Post  Apple.Time Tue 26 May 2015 - 23:51

He also has my vote hu hu  Laughing

In the bunch of newcomers that came after last summer, he became one of the good players and he seems always nice with the gamers who play Vampirism Ultra.

He is THE ONE that the Clan RotD really needs !!!

Well just joking  Laughing Cool, but in my opinion it won't be no harm to have him in the crew, he deserves it.


Apple.Time thumbsup

Posts : 338
Join date : 2014-06-11
Age : 32
ROTD Rank : Vamp Ultra Lover <3
Warn Status :
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: [MOS Name & Number]
MOS Experience:
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0/0Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty Approved

Post  Anonymou_s Wed 27 May 2015 - 21:36

Approved - based on the recommendations of other clan rotd members.

I'd like to welcome you to the forums and admin team.

Your account AbsDaLegend on Warcraft III USEAST has been added to the admin group.

When dealing with Vampirism Games, i always reccomend admins to avoid banning and use mute/kick to your disposal and leave bans only for very harsher punishments. Always include a reason for the ban.

Posts : 748
Join date : 2009-07-02
ROTD Rank : Pandemic & Ultra
Warn Status :
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Force Recon - 0321
MOS Experience:
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue90/100Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty Re: Admin Application - AbsDaLegend

Post  xutopia Wed 27 May 2015 - 21:43

Yay 7 mins after u anon Razz

gz on ur accomplishment and stuff abs Smile))) and now that u have to play on useast, i can finally pm u and stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u will no longer always be offline HEHE Razz good luck in yo future abs Smile))

ClanRotd Bot Admin:
ClanRotd Bot Admin:

Posts : 133
Join date : 2015-01-26
ROTD Rank : super cool
Warn Status :
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: [MOS Name & Number]
MOS Experience:
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0/0Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty god

Post  Neu[T]Ral Tue 1 Sep 2015 - 10:23

AbsDaLegend wrote:Hey there peeps, from the title you could probably guessed what this message is going to be about! I want Ultra. I don't mind being more involved with the other games our clan plays, but I passionately enjoy playing that one specific game. I've played for several hours a day since last August anghghghd this is reflected in my number of games played statistics. During my time playing this, I've become close to the regular players, I've become accustomed to them and believe have strengthened the community further. You can ask any of the regular players whether you believe I'm deserving of this position or not. I feel I can be a beacon of justice whilst playing, to get rid of the constant trollers and teach newcomers the basics, but at the same time know my own limits so as to not abuse any privileges. I know the responsibility such a role demands, that I would have to get even closer to all players and be a leader of sorts, so as to represent our clan to all types of players, newbies or regulars. The idea of becoming an admin was further reinforced when I was told I should apply by a few people like Xutopia, Upsettu and OCD. I feel I've arrived at the stage where I can begin enforcing rules and maintaining order within the game rather than just watch it fall apart. For example, I had a game lasting 2 hours because the vampire refused to move from the fountain in the middle. Now, I'm not really complaining because I could've easily just left and joined the next game - no harm done. Except it's a waste of all the time leading to that point and by just leaving, the vampire will feel like he's won and will repeat this tactic again and again. If they know that they can be beat no matter the time limit, then perhaps they will leave earlier? Players like that abandon all gaming etiquette and ruin it for others due to their egos.

I would also love to teach new players how to play! I've had players like jackaboy, nat157 , mage.noir - all ask me to teach them how to play. This would be so much easier if, for example, I could host a game with the bot with just me and them in it, that way I could tell them what to do and when to do it, just to grasp the basics, then they have atleast a little experience before going into a real game with regulars. Several regular players get really upset at new players due to their feeding, but I understand that this is a consequence of every game. And instead of being upset, we - the regular players, should be the ones guiding the new ones forward, so that they actually want to play the game more! So that they join the community and want to donate and genuinely have fun! 

Anyways, that's my essay done, I appreciate the time you take to read this, I know how busy you all are Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Icon_razz!


Posts : 1
Join date : 2015-09-01
Warn Status :
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: [MOS Name & Number]
MOS Experience:
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue10000000/1000000Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty_bar_bleue  (10000000/1000000)

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty DON'T SENSE YOU COMMENT

Post  NoXIbIbDu Sat 3 Oct 2015 - 12:39

xutopia wrote:#fkingfinally
I did not understand the comment, because it makes no sense

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Experience:
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0/0Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)


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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty Re: Admin Application - AbsDaLegend

Post  Apple.Time Sat 3 Oct 2015 - 17:16

Hi ho there,

Well is it really important to understand that comment ?  Laughing
Since its an old thread.

If you think a bit, it's easy to understand... xutopia meant that it was time for absdalegend to make an application. 
Here you go



Posts : 338
Join date : 2014-06-11
Age : 32
ROTD Rank : Vamp Ultra Lover <3
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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Experience:
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0/0Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty Re: Admin Application - AbsDaLegend

Post  xutopia Sat 3 Oct 2015 - 23:11

yea seriously how do u not understand that?

ClanRotd Bot Admin:
ClanRotd Bot Admin:

Posts : 133
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ROTD Rank : super cool
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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Experience:
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0/0Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty Re: Admin Application - AbsDaLegend

Post  Apple.Time Sun 4 Oct 2015 - 1:15

Hi ho xutopia,

First, don't talk.

Second, be happy.

Third, move your ass back to Vampirism Ultra, even I came back since 3 weeks  Laughing



Posts : 338
Join date : 2014-06-11
Age : 32
ROTD Rank : Vamp Ultra Lover <3
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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: [MOS Name & Number]
MOS Experience:
Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Left_bar_bleue0/0Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Admin Application - AbsDaLegend Empty Re: Admin Application - AbsDaLegend

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