Vampirism for Dummies
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Vampirism for Dummies
Hello, in this guide today, I will be showing you how to play vampirism, you don't have to be of any special skill level, this guide will work for pro players and brand new players to the game. We should [url=#]get started[/url] on building your base for humans and what kind of base you will want to use for your lumber base.
1.) When you begin playing vampirism, you will see many bases and many options, you will want to chose one of the closest bases to where you spawn or go in the lava and pick a base close in that area. Once you have done this you will begin to build tents and houses, use Hotkeys B' and T' then hold down shift right after you pressed these hotkeys, they will allow you to build your 2 tents without any down time on it. Once you have done that build your houses with the same concept, make sure you use hotkeys B' and H' once you have four houses on there way of being built make sure you are on your way of upgrading houses using hotkey T' Once complete mass workers until your reach food of 280/300, and begin building your slayers Tavern with hotkeys B' and N' once that is completed use hotkey C' and build your caster slayer. Once all complete destroy houses and tents and build tents in a different base and in another base build 4 houses as back up if you get attacked, label this with shift 5.
2.) Now your slayer should be built, you should give him the ability blink so you can make it to the slayers fountain located straight up the map, this is where your slayer will gain a certain amount of experience every 30 seconds, and when the Vampire begins attacking houses which other players could have put down or attacking a base, you will want to use Hotkey B' to try and steal a chest and use hotkey B' and get out of there with a blink to a spot on the map, this will work out until the Vampire has gotten a Beast mask or has Tomed Damage and Agility, for this will all kill you if you don't play it smart.
3.) Once you have gotten 2 gold whether you stole it from the vampire or the timer has reached 6:06 you are going to want to build a Slayers Vault with Hotkeys B' and V' and build a house next to it and upgrade it to level 2, once complete, build as many mines as you can until you have made it to 19 gold, then upgrade your house to level 3 and build a uber, by the way, once you have gotten your gold, make sure you begin to deto your workers in your Lumber base and begin getting super workers until you have only super workers to the point of having 260 food out of 300 food. This is more efficient and will save you time. As well make sure you already have a wall built and are upgrading it once you have you slayers vault built. This is a lot going on in that short amount of time, and label your house with SHIFT 1 that way when you are detoing your workers you can begin getting super workers on trees as quick as you can.
4.) So now you are getting to a good start, you should be building as many gold mines as you can and stop producing ubers when you have reached a ratio of 6 ubers to 5 super workers, this may seem like a strange tactic but will pay off later on. Plus getting a full set of super uber workers will just delay the time it takes you to get to t2, now, you may be building lots of mines, but that fun all must come to a end when you have reached a income of 48, this is the quickest method to achieving tier 2.
5.) once you have gotten 273 gold or higher, you should be upgrading your slayers vault to Tier 1, and then build a tier 1 worker and build your tier 2, you must have at least 190,000 lumber to do this process as this. you will then get 2 more gold mines to get a income of 52, and once then, you begin getting tier 2 lumber workers, you will deto 2 uber workers and 1 super worker for each income and after you have around 4 you should have built a t2 builder and begin building gold mines with same hotkey for your peasant which is B' and G' make sure you complete your set until you reach 300 food to 300 food and you should have 7 of these lumber workers.
6.) now you have made it really far into the game you should at least have a megabyte wall with 4-6 t2 builders on it depending on the damage the vampire is dishing out, only build a comet tower if they have beast armor, this is with your t1 builder, you will want to build this at a good spot so it cannot get boom gemmed. If it is, you will want to build another one.
7.) make sure whenever you are at 100,000 lumber you build another gold mine when ever you can, this will increase your efficiency to getting to tier 3, and once you have made it to 7.5k gold you will want to build your tier 3.
8.) build 3 t3 Lumber workers, then build a t3 builder, then build your gold mine and start production, the food is the same or equivalent to the food of t2 builders, so deto 3 to build 3. once you have a full set, you should begin massing star towers and be putting full health houses in front of your base and upgrade them to level 2 and then level 3, this will [url=#]slow[/url] down the vampires time into making it to your base, and increases efficiency of your towers.
9.) build Aura walls and frost towers every certain number of spaces, that way they will be gettin hit the entire time.
10.) now you should be upgrading to voids and will most likely kill the vampire if you have made it this far in.
This is the Vampire guide now:
1.) when you spawn in make sure you get far sight, and if you see any common bases of which you know players might be in far sight it and head on your way over, make sure you destroy chests or pick them up as soon as they drop, if you are [url=#]interested[/url] in destroying them use hotkey A' and make sure you stand over the chest so no slayer can pick it up, if a slayer teleports before a object is destroyed only [url=#]target[/url] them until they run away.
2.) make sure you feed as long as you can for at least until 6 minutes, if you or the other vampire leaks a chest go back to the vampire spawn point and make sure that you get at least a tome of death and a tome of agility, and if you have enough get a beast mask. Make sure your first item in the game is Ring of gold.
3.) at 6:06 you will be given at least 200 gold, use this to buy claws of gold, if you have 280 gold buy a tome of strength. Now you should begin feeding on other players, if a human is sticking with a byte wall make sure you get inferno rain and when it is around 75% health use it and the wall will be gone, if you like buy 2 and rain terror on them. Make sure when feeding you pick up any wards you see and put them by tome shop because no human slayer can get it.
4.) now tome your Agility up to at least 300, and you should have a tomed attack of 1,200 at least, and at 10:00 on the timer, you should get your lich to buy 6 vampire hearts and get a ultra heart, this will cost way less and will provide you with ultra hearts 14:00 minutes early.
5.) at 12:30 the Chaotic forge opens, depending on the types of people you are playing with you will want to either get beast claws or beast armor, if you are going for heavy feeding and less damage being dealt to you go with beast armor, if you are looking to get into a noobs base quick, get beast claws.
6.) get 3 tomes of death when you can, this will make it harder for players to damage you, try and stay away from the only base that of which you can get trapped easy from, attack them quickly if a 'New player' is occupying this base. As well begin getting Frost shields and Mirror shields, this will allow you to double claw and double armor.
7.) at 20:50 you should get Bounty of gold, this will increase your income of gold majorly and will allow you to get double claw and double armor and even get chaosphere if you can feed off someone for a long time.
8.) at 30:00 make sure you can get at least 2 Dark frost mirror shields and if possible get the chaosphere if not, go to someone with a late start and try and break into there base to manage the gold to get it. there is no point in getting the chaosphere if you can't deal the damage required to make it useful.
9.) get tome of death to 10k stats, and keep spamming Dark Frost Mirror Shield to the point of which you can't hold anymore, if you are getting enough feed you can get rid of bounty of gold to be a even harder [url=#]target[/url] but it is not recommended.
10.) Now you should have just about ensured your victory.
1.) When you begin playing vampirism, you will see many bases and many options, you will want to chose one of the closest bases to where you spawn or go in the lava and pick a base close in that area. Once you have done this you will begin to build tents and houses, use Hotkeys B' and T' then hold down shift right after you pressed these hotkeys, they will allow you to build your 2 tents without any down time on it. Once you have done that build your houses with the same concept, make sure you use hotkeys B' and H' once you have four houses on there way of being built make sure you are on your way of upgrading houses using hotkey T' Once complete mass workers until your reach food of 280/300, and begin building your slayers Tavern with hotkeys B' and N' once that is completed use hotkey C' and build your caster slayer. Once all complete destroy houses and tents and build tents in a different base and in another base build 4 houses as back up if you get attacked, label this with shift 5.
2.) Now your slayer should be built, you should give him the ability blink so you can make it to the slayers fountain located straight up the map, this is where your slayer will gain a certain amount of experience every 30 seconds, and when the Vampire begins attacking houses which other players could have put down or attacking a base, you will want to use Hotkey B' to try and steal a chest and use hotkey B' and get out of there with a blink to a spot on the map, this will work out until the Vampire has gotten a Beast mask or has Tomed Damage and Agility, for this will all kill you if you don't play it smart.
3.) Once you have gotten 2 gold whether you stole it from the vampire or the timer has reached 6:06 you are going to want to build a Slayers Vault with Hotkeys B' and V' and build a house next to it and upgrade it to level 2, once complete, build as many mines as you can until you have made it to 19 gold, then upgrade your house to level 3 and build a uber, by the way, once you have gotten your gold, make sure you begin to deto your workers in your Lumber base and begin getting super workers until you have only super workers to the point of having 260 food out of 300 food. This is more efficient and will save you time. As well make sure you already have a wall built and are upgrading it once you have you slayers vault built. This is a lot going on in that short amount of time, and label your house with SHIFT 1 that way when you are detoing your workers you can begin getting super workers on trees as quick as you can.
4.) So now you are getting to a good start, you should be building as many gold mines as you can and stop producing ubers when you have reached a ratio of 6 ubers to 5 super workers, this may seem like a strange tactic but will pay off later on. Plus getting a full set of super uber workers will just delay the time it takes you to get to t2, now, you may be building lots of mines, but that fun all must come to a end when you have reached a income of 48, this is the quickest method to achieving tier 2.
5.) once you have gotten 273 gold or higher, you should be upgrading your slayers vault to Tier 1, and then build a tier 1 worker and build your tier 2, you must have at least 190,000 lumber to do this process as this. you will then get 2 more gold mines to get a income of 52, and once then, you begin getting tier 2 lumber workers, you will deto 2 uber workers and 1 super worker for each income and after you have around 4 you should have built a t2 builder and begin building gold mines with same hotkey for your peasant which is B' and G' make sure you complete your set until you reach 300 food to 300 food and you should have 7 of these lumber workers.
6.) now you have made it really far into the game you should at least have a megabyte wall with 4-6 t2 builders on it depending on the damage the vampire is dishing out, only build a comet tower if they have beast armor, this is with your t1 builder, you will want to build this at a good spot so it cannot get boom gemmed. If it is, you will want to build another one.
7.) make sure whenever you are at 100,000 lumber you build another gold mine when ever you can, this will increase your efficiency to getting to tier 3, and once you have made it to 7.5k gold you will want to build your tier 3.
8.) build 3 t3 Lumber workers, then build a t3 builder, then build your gold mine and start production, the food is the same or equivalent to the food of t2 builders, so deto 3 to build 3. once you have a full set, you should begin massing star towers and be putting full health houses in front of your base and upgrade them to level 2 and then level 3, this will [url=#]slow[/url] down the vampires time into making it to your base, and increases efficiency of your towers.
9.) build Aura walls and frost towers every certain number of spaces, that way they will be gettin hit the entire time.
10.) now you should be upgrading to voids and will most likely kill the vampire if you have made it this far in.
This is the Vampire guide now:
1.) when you spawn in make sure you get far sight, and if you see any common bases of which you know players might be in far sight it and head on your way over, make sure you destroy chests or pick them up as soon as they drop, if you are [url=#]interested[/url] in destroying them use hotkey A' and make sure you stand over the chest so no slayer can pick it up, if a slayer teleports before a object is destroyed only [url=#]target[/url] them until they run away.
2.) make sure you feed as long as you can for at least until 6 minutes, if you or the other vampire leaks a chest go back to the vampire spawn point and make sure that you get at least a tome of death and a tome of agility, and if you have enough get a beast mask. Make sure your first item in the game is Ring of gold.
3.) at 6:06 you will be given at least 200 gold, use this to buy claws of gold, if you have 280 gold buy a tome of strength. Now you should begin feeding on other players, if a human is sticking with a byte wall make sure you get inferno rain and when it is around 75% health use it and the wall will be gone, if you like buy 2 and rain terror on them. Make sure when feeding you pick up any wards you see and put them by tome shop because no human slayer can get it.
4.) now tome your Agility up to at least 300, and you should have a tomed attack of 1,200 at least, and at 10:00 on the timer, you should get your lich to buy 6 vampire hearts and get a ultra heart, this will cost way less and will provide you with ultra hearts 14:00 minutes early.
5.) at 12:30 the Chaotic forge opens, depending on the types of people you are playing with you will want to either get beast claws or beast armor, if you are going for heavy feeding and less damage being dealt to you go with beast armor, if you are looking to get into a noobs base quick, get beast claws.
6.) get 3 tomes of death when you can, this will make it harder for players to damage you, try and stay away from the only base that of which you can get trapped easy from, attack them quickly if a 'New player' is occupying this base. As well begin getting Frost shields and Mirror shields, this will allow you to double claw and double armor.
7.) at 20:50 you should get Bounty of gold, this will increase your income of gold majorly and will allow you to get double claw and double armor and even get chaosphere if you can feed off someone for a long time.
8.) at 30:00 make sure you can get at least 2 Dark frost mirror shields and if possible get the chaosphere if not, go to someone with a late start and try and break into there base to manage the gold to get it. there is no point in getting the chaosphere if you can't deal the damage required to make it useful.
9.) get tome of death to 10k stats, and keep spamming Dark Frost Mirror Shield to the point of which you can't hold anymore, if you are getting enough feed you can get rid of bounty of gold to be a even harder [url=#]target[/url] but it is not recommended.
10.) Now you should have just about ensured your victory.
- This is the guide for anyone of any skill and will show you all different tactics which you may not use. There should be a video guide for this hopfully coming out soon.
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Re: Vampirism for Dummies
hey its xutopia.
welll..... dam.
this guide made my guide look like a... well a dummie guide but awesome job lol. this was really helpful to me. thanks
welll..... dam.
this guide made my guide look like a... well a dummie guide but awesome job lol. this was really helpful to me. thanks
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Re: Vampirism for Dummies
First thing I noticed is that this is a huge wall of text, in general most people will skip over it so I suggest two things. Offer a shortened summary at the end (dot-points are your friend) and also use some formatting to make it more readable.
And I'll stick my general vamp tatics below for you to grab anything you want to add:
General tips to a guaranteed win:
This is a tip that I tell everyone & they all ignore me. NEVER, EVER break someone's wall early game. Just trust me, leaving their base alive may mean you don't get 4k now. But it will mean you get 40k later, when you actually need it. I personally never break a wall, or kill anyone until past 30 minutes once I have an assured win.
& On trapping, I won't reveal my secrets or else it will become obsolete, however be creative, there are many ways to get out of or prevent a trap.
And I'll stick my general vamp tatics below for you to grab anything you want to add:
- Buy: Speed boots, cloak, ring of gold & one shade. This gives you scouting, speed to get to bases faster & much more gold.
- Farsight so you can hit multiple bases with each
- Once you hit ~500 gold return to base & buy silence, beast mask, agi tome & remaining slayers. This will allow you to kill slayers, feel free to clear slayer fountain.
- Deny items & collect healing wards & place them in middle.
- Buy shadows of speed, claws of gold & invulnerable potion then save gold.
- Buy frost armor & whispers and from then only just get death tomes until ~20m, from which you will want to make sure you have at least 5k for dfms & chaossphere. Also buy bounty of gold as soon as it is available. The reason I skip claws is that is unnecessary if you are coordinating with your ally against traps & will allow you to stay at the wall much longer if that gold goes into death tomes.
- From now you want one vamp to have chaossphere, dfms, vampiric shadows & dark silence, sell bounty of gold and hold invulnerable potion instead. When sieging using your invulnerability & chaossphere to reduce damage while you kill houses for healing wards. If a builder comes within range and you can't destroy the base, use dark silence to kill them. Also note that sliding bypasses slows, including banish & that center fountain can dispel banish.
General tips to a guaranteed win:
This is a tip that I tell everyone & they all ignore me. NEVER, EVER break someone's wall early game. Just trust me, leaving their base alive may mean you don't get 4k now. But it will mean you get 40k later, when you actually need it. I personally never break a wall, or kill anyone until past 30 minutes once I have an assured win.
& On trapping, I won't reveal my secrets or else it will become obsolete, however be creative, there are many ways to get out of or prevent a trap.
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Re: Vampirism for Dummies
Forgot about putting in Whisper of shadows items mostly because my skin right now can not hold it.
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