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changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j

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changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Empty changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j

Post  awesomevamp Tue 9 Dec 2014 - 8:07

may i know what are the changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j ?
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Sergeant (grade 3)

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MOS Specialty: awesomevamp
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changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Empty Re: changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j

Post  ID_ied Tue 9 Dec 2014 - 8:31

awesomevamp wrote:may i know what are the changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j ?
I shall upload a list once map is re-released tomorrow.

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MOS Specialty: Navy Corpsman
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changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Empty Re: changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j

Post  Apple.Time Tue 9 Dec 2014 - 15:29

Will you upload a list for the new rules too ?

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changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Empty Re: changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j

Post  awesomevamp Fri 12 Dec 2014 - 2:09

wow it's not 2.34.j it's 2.35.k has been released now.what happen to 2.34.j?
Sergeant (grade 3)
Sergeant (grade 3)

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Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: awesomevamp
MOS Experience:
changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Left_bar_bleue500/500changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

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changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Empty Re: changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j

Post  awesomevamp Fri 12 Dec 2014 - 10:52

wow! it's now 2.36.L why its keep changing?
Sergeant (grade 3)
Sergeant (grade 3)

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MOS Specialty: awesomevamp
MOS Experience:
changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Left_bar_bleue500/500changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

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changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Empty Re: changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j

Post  Anonymou_s Fri 12 Dec 2014 - 17:51

i had to pull the map and release new version several times because of major issues Sad

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Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Force Recon - 0321
MOS Experience:
changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Left_bar_bleue90/100changes in vampirism ultra 2.34.j Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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