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My Vampirism Story

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My Vampirism Story Empty My Vampirism Story

Post  Bird. Mon 20 May 2013 - 22:55

So my vampirism life started way back with TFT when I first joined a game called Vampirism Beast. Lol, I remember my first game. I just built random buildings in a small crevice until I died. Then I got better and better. Ultimately later on, Beast died for a while (it went from hero to zero). Then I tried out Reign of Chaos. Roc at the time was a game I had never played. It was only a means to get to TFT to play with friends on skype. But, then I saw vampirism ultra. So I was like, affraid , nice! I played my first game as vampire. Me and my ally vamp were both transitioning from Vampirism beast to here lol. But we won, ('New player' humans) on my first game we won. But then when I played as a human, boy was I terrible lol. Can you believe it, I was actually bad at this game. I died so many times. I had my towers trembled like crazy, I feed way too much. I remember when people made fun of me saying, "Lol well that guys's gonna die." I wasn't too bad, but I was pretty terrible. My first username was babird31. Later I got better, and made new random accounts like Birth, Vampire., and ultimately decided on picking Bird. I wanted to do Bird, but obviously that was taken. So I got the period (no pun intended). Then I just became a super beast at this game and schooled all yo noobz. I rarely play as human when playing with nooby players; I play vampire with them and just school them. Right now, I often like to teach noobish people how to play when I'm in a game with them because psychologically, people like to continue playing when they feel that they are winning or are learning how to play to ultimately increase the vamp ultra population.
That's pretty much my vampirism story.
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My Vampirism Story Empty My Vampirism Story

Post  ZOMBIEdragon Wed 22 May 2013 - 9:38

Nice Story can u tell me more story?


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