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Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward)

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Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Empty Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward)

Post  ID_ied Wed 27 Feb 2013 - 7:14

A fun challange I have seen on another forum (Slightly edited), count to 20 without a mod or administrator replying.
You can only post every five replies, so if you say one, four other people have to reply before you can count again.
Mods/Admins: Can only post once every 24 hours.
Once a mod/admin replies you must start from one again.

If you get to 20 I will make my profile information on forum and battle.net what the last poster chooses for two days AND will start all of my sentences in channels with a chose word. (Any other staff can join me on this.)

Posts : 386
Join date : 2012-08-08
ROTD Rank : Someone
Warn Status :
Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Navy Corpsman
MOS Experience:
Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Left_bar_bleue9/10Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Empty_bar_bleue  (9/10)


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Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Empty Re: Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward)

Post  Sheep Wed 27 Feb 2013 - 11:01


Private (grade 2)
Private (grade 2)

Posts : 25
Join date : 2012-10-25
Warn Status :
Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Right_bar_bleue

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Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Empty Re: Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward)

Post  TheWildOnes Wed 27 Feb 2013 - 15:00

lol, can i join u on this?

Posts : 479
Join date : 2012-11-11
Age : 23
ROTD Rank : LCpl.
Warn Status :
Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Navy Corpsman
MOS Experience:
Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Left_bar_bleue35/100Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Empty_bar_bleue  (35/100)

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Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Empty Re: Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward)

Post  Majkusz Wed 27 Feb 2013 - 17:00


Private (grade 2)
Private (grade 2)

Posts : 28
Join date : 2012-08-11
Warn Status :
Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Right_bar_bleue

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Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward) Empty Re: Staff vs Members (With being able to embarrass me as a reward)

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