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Name Spoofing

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Name Spoofing Empty Name Spoofing

Post  Death_Wing Thu 10 Jan 2013 - 6:55

Sometimes people name spoofing is actually dangerous. What if you spoof someone else without them knowing. I reckon I might of spoofed a guy named Vamp because when I was playing a vampirism ultra I checked my stats and it came up with Games Played: 69 and I only did three games with a name spoof so this is to all please don't name spoof people om purpose or they will probably get very angry like this Evil or Very Mad .

Death_Wing aka Vampirekiller
Apprentice (grade 2)
Apprentice (grade 2)

Posts : 14
Join date : 2012-12-16
Warn Status :
Name Spoofing Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Name Spoofing Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Marksman
MOS Experience:
Name Spoofing Left_bar_bleue5032/10000Name Spoofing Empty_bar_bleue  (5032/10000)

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Name Spoofing Empty Re: Name Spoofing

Post  Zigafoo Fri 11 Jan 2013 - 1:18

Spoofers tend to get banned form the bot anyhow. So i suggest you don't do it all period. Because once you're banned under a spoofed named its basically a perm ban.

Posts : 691
Join date : 2009-07-03
Age : 31
ROTD Rank : GoND 105270 (8/12/09)
Warn Status :
Name Spoofing Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Name Spoofing Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Forward Observer - 0861
MOS Experience:
Name Spoofing Left_bar_bleue105270/999999Name Spoofing Empty_bar_bleue  (105270/999999)


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