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Clan SPOR chanel

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Clan SPOR chanel Empty Clan SPOR chanel

Post  choctaw Thu 5 Aug 2010 - 13:39

Hi ,I was on holiday during 8 days last week and ,when I try to join the channel of the Clan I saw ,"This channel is private" or something like that.And before my holiday I was in the Clan so, can you help me?

Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-07-16
Age : 30
ROTD Rank : caporal4
Warn Status :
Clan SPOR chanel Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Clan SPOR chanel Right_bar_bleue

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Clan SPOR chanel Empty Re: Clan SPOR chanel

Post  idiedtoday Thu 5 Aug 2010 - 14:00

well choctaw, odds are zig thought u were to inactive, so he kicked u from clan Sad if you'd like to rejoin, just ask, and ill try to be on as much as possible today.
ClanRotd Bot Admin:
ClanRotd Bot Admin:

Posts : 458
Join date : 2009-07-03
Age : 28
ROTD Rank : What isn't my rank..
Warn Status :
Clan SPOR chanel Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Clan SPOR chanel Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Assaultman - 0351
MOS Experience:
Clan SPOR chanel Left_bar_bleue90/100Clan SPOR chanel Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)

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Clan SPOR chanel Empty Re: Clan SPOR chanel

Post  Zigafoo Tue 17 Aug 2010 - 18:32

I have moved this topic to the Trash Can.

If you have any questions or concerns as to why this topic was trashed, please contact me privately through the board's personal messaging service.

Recreating this thread or discussing these actions publicly is against the rules and will be grounds for a warning. Please do not do it.

-RotD: GHost-Bot/Clan/Vent-

Posts : 691
Join date : 2009-07-03
Age : 31
ROTD Rank : GoND 105270 (8/12/09)
Warn Status :
Clan SPOR chanel Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Clan SPOR chanel Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Forward Observer - 0861
MOS Experience:
Clan SPOR chanel Left_bar_bleue105270/999999Clan SPOR chanel Empty_bar_bleue  (105270/999999)


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