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[14/10/2015] Open Mod Place

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[14/10/2015] Open Mod Place Empty [14/10/2015] Open Mod Place

Post  TheWildOnes Wed 14 Oct 2015 - 13:55

Hey guys!

So i think we need 2 people to be a mod, its becoming the holiday season and i'm not going to be on all the time because of my birthday and christmas, and i'm not on that much anyway during weekends.

This place will be filled with someone who i feel is trustworthy enough to have it.

I will be selecting from VIP or above!

I want this person to be able to communicate with new players of the forum and game with helpfulness, and to be respectful of other people.

I will choose by the end of the week, possibly today depending on how quick i can think about it.

No need to apply! I will be judging you because i have seen and known all of you above VIP anyway... I will contact you through PM, 2 people will be narrowed down and then i will decide who is trustworthy enough to help me moderate the forum, not much bad things happen these days, but incase someone needs help... they know who to go to.

Cheers Guys ~TheWildOnes

Posts : 479
Join date : 2012-11-11
Age : 22
ROTD Rank : LCpl.
Warn Status :
[14/10/2015] Open Mod Place Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4[14/10/2015] Open Mod Place Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Navy Corpsman
MOS Experience:
[14/10/2015] Open Mod Place Left_bar_bleue35/100[14/10/2015] Open Mod Place Empty_bar_bleue  (35/100)

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