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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain

6 posters

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain I_vote_lcap86%[Poll] Do you like the new terrain I_vote_rcap 86% 
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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain I_vote_lcap14%[Poll] Do you like the new terrain I_vote_rcap 14% 
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Total Votes : 14

[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty [Poll] Do you like the new terrain

Post  Anonymou_s Sat 29 Dec 2012 - 20:20

As the title states, do you like Vampirism Ultra's new terrain?

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: Force Recon - 0321
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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue90/100[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty Re: [Poll] Do you like the new terrain

Post  Fangman1 Sat 29 Dec 2012 - 21:22

I am saying yes because it overall definitely looks very nice, but its also sort of distracting as a vampire, with all of the small plants. The font though is a little tough to read and I have seen people leave and say that its too hard to read the font.

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: Loser Level 29
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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue7/10[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty_bar_bleue  (7/10)

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty Re: [Poll] Do you like the new terrain

Post  ID_ied Sat 29 Dec 2012 - 21:45

Fangman1 wrote:I am saying yes because it overall definitely looks very nice, but its also sort of distracting as a vampire, with all of the small plants. The font though is a little tough to read and I have seen people leave and say that its too hard to read the font.
I have had 3 people ask me to tell you to remove the font, I personally like it however it seems like the public opinion is against. Also I just remembered a major problem with the font is that it doesn't show punctuation.

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: Navy Corpsman
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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue9/10[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty_bar_bleue  (9/10)


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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty Re: [Poll] Do you like the new terrain

Post  Fangman1 Sun 30 Dec 2012 - 0:06

ID_ied wrote:
Fangman1 wrote:I am saying yes because it overall definitely looks very nice, but its also sort of distracting as a vampire, with all of the small plants. The font though is a little tough to read and I have seen people leave and say that its too hard to read the font.
I have had 3 people ask me to tell you to remove the font, I personally like it however it seems like the public opinion is against. Also I just remembered a major problem with the font is that it doesn't show punctuation.

Yup I was talking about it with Infierno- whose name on screen was only Infierno . I wonder what will happen if i make an account with ------: or something crazy like that with only punctuation Very Happy

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: Loser Level 29
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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue7/10[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty_bar_bleue  (7/10)

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty Re: [Poll] Do you like the new terrain

Post  Bruin22 Sun 30 Dec 2012 - 2:18

also the red text it shows about waiting til gold time, still says 1 gold and not 2 gold ahhaha

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Right_bar_bleue

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue8040/99999[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty_bar_bleue  (8040/99999)

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty Re: [Poll] Do you like the new terrain

Post  Anonymou_s Sun 30 Dec 2012 - 15:33

Yes, the font currently needs to be changed, but it will not go back to the normal warcraft 3 font it will simply be replaced with something a little more suitable for a Vampirism map feel but still easy to read and with all the proper punctuations.

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: Force Recon - 0321
MOS Experience:
[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue90/100[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty Re: [Poll] Do you like the new terrain

Post  TheWildOnes Mon 31 Dec 2012 - 7:35

Anonymou_s wrote:As the title states, do you like Vampirism Ultra's new terrain?

yeah it's great. except font, lol. also kinda side effect it has that font in the lobby to on the battle.net chat why how does it do that

Last edited by TheWildOnes on Sat 30 Jul 2016 - 15:45; edited 1 time in total

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: Navy Corpsman
MOS Experience:
[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Left_bar_bleue35/100[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty_bar_bleue  (35/100)

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[Poll] Do you like the new terrain Empty Re: [Poll] Do you like the new terrain

Post  Hyuna. Sun 10 Feb 2013 - 14:55

even tho im super late

Could u put back the other letter style Very Happy

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Corporal (grade 2)

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