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[2017] Vampirism Ultra Skin Requests Information

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[2017] Vampirism Ultra Skin Requests Information Empty [2017] Vampirism Ultra Skin Requests Information

Post  Anonymou_s Tue 14 Aug 2012 - 19:15

Important Update as of 27th July 2017:
Skins are no longer being accepted!

The method of communication in RotD has mainly shifted over to Discord and the forum is basically inactive in terms of posts and updates, if you wish to contact a clan leader please message Anonymou_s, ID_ied, nhscooter or TheWildOnes.

Old Post for Archive Purposes:

Clan RotD Discord: https://discord.gg/vCF9ma2

[2017] Vampirism Ultra Skin Requests Information Skinpr10

Premium Details

 • You will get a custom Human & Vampire skin of your choice.
 • Your Human & Vampires name will be changed to What ever you'd like.
• You will get a custom buff or aura on your human and vampire of your choice.
• One time donation.
• You will not have to donate if you ever would like to make changes to your skin.

Additional Donations
• You will be able to add different skin to your bouncer.
 • You will be able to change your blink.
•  You will be able to change your Gold Fountain.
•  Update: Join Discord to contact Anonymou_s or other map developers.

PayPal is accepted.

Terms and Agreements

Donations are strictly donations and are not in anyway a purchase. All those who donate the amount stated will be awarded with a skin to show my appreciation, keep in mind this is in no way a responsibility for me to uphold. I am not responsible for any problems that may arise financially or technical. Transaction losses are at the expense and responsibility of the  donator. By donating you are agreeing and understand the information and rules with donations. and u Information on this page can be subject to change at any given time without notice.

Please note that any user caught cheating, bug exploiting, or anything that relates to playing unfair and ruining the game for others may be at risk of being banned and having their skin removed. Users with a skin are expected to uphold appropriate behavior as they represent being part of the ultra skin community.

Last edited by TheWildOnes on Thu 27 Jul 2017 - 0:21; edited 12 times in total (Reason for editing : 2017)

Posts : 748
Join date : 2009-07-02
ROTD Rank : Pandemic & Ultra
Warn Status :
[2017] Vampirism Ultra Skin Requests Information Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4[2017] Vampirism Ultra Skin Requests Information Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Force Recon - 0321
MOS Experience:
[2017] Vampirism Ultra Skin Requests Information Left_bar_bleue90/100[2017] Vampirism Ultra Skin Requests Information Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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