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Warcraft and its errors

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Warcraft and its errors Empty Warcraft and its errors

Post  seanlou Fri 22 Oct 2010 - 19:59

I was able to play Monday and Tuesday and since then every time i try to log on i get one of two messages

Warcraft and its errors Error_10

Warcraft and its errors Error_12

so until i can figure out how to fix these i wont be on >.<

I'm starting to hate this new windows 7...
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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Knipfaa Fri 22 Oct 2010 - 21:38

well where are you from? germany?

i got the first problem aswell with my new laptop. You just have to copy your warcraft folder from "programs" to something else (like "user X"). So you get it out of these administrationfolders.

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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Zigafoo Fri 22 Oct 2010 - 21:55

Lmfao, I've never had this error. I've had the second one that's probably because of your internet or you've been ipbanned for attempting to connect to battle.net too much.
For the first one, it seems like you have too much crap on your hard drive.
Go to the control panel and look for the uninstall icon go there and uninstall some of the things you don't use a lot.

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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  seanlou Fri 22 Oct 2010 - 23:04

To Knipfaa
I wish i was from Germany they have the best beer XD
and I'll test your suggestion see if it works

To Ziga
lol if only its a brand new computer so it's hard drive is almost empty XD
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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Zigafoo Fri 22 Oct 2010 - 23:08

Well, does it do that error any more? or is it just the connection one now?

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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  seanlou Fri 22 Oct 2010 - 23:12

Well now it does a new error connects downloads an update then says can't find warmpq.patch or w/e the file is cause its looking in the old space >.<
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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  seanlou Fri 22 Oct 2010 - 23:14

and on a side note...
damn it ziga you stole my soul >.<
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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Zigafoo Sat 23 Oct 2010 - 0:46

Very Happy

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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Thrallskingdom Sat 23 Oct 2010 - 9:30



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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Zigafoo Sat 23 Oct 2010 - 10:25

I stole two other people's as well xD

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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Zigafoo Sat 23 Oct 2010 - 10:26

Btw, you should uninstall warcraft III and move it to where you want when you install it. It should give you an option.

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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Knipfaa Sat 23 Oct 2010 - 13:46

yes! do what zig says Very Happy

well zig the first problem, i dont know where it comes from, but i know how to fix it. had it several times and its just because its "wrong" installed. its installed into a folder who is not allowed to give any more space although he has alot more space. it has something to do with your administrationrights.

and why are you talking about souls Very Happy?
lemme guess they clicked your link xD? i knew it was a trap! Very Happy

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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Zigafoo Sat 23 Oct 2010 - 21:39

Hahaha it is Smile
Anyways, Well you can give that program administration rights...

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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  seanlou Sat 23 Oct 2010 - 22:59

So ya i reinstalled it, then it downloaded the patch and now its giving me that error again >.<

and administration rights did nothing...
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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  seanlou Sat 23 Oct 2010 - 23:24

so after reinstalling a few times it seems to be working lets just hope this time it doesn't stop working randomly -_-
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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Zigafoo Sun 24 Oct 2010 - 0:13


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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Knipfaa Sun 24 Oct 2010 - 6:22

i gave you my soul zig Razz Very Happy

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Warcraft and its errors Empty Re: Warcraft and its errors

Post  Thrallskingdom Sun 24 Oct 2010 - 22:09

same roflmao

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