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How can we join a RotD party

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How can we join a RotD party Empty How can we join a RotD party

Post  choctaw Fri 16 Jul 2010 - 9:03

Like others ,I suppose, I love RotD party and I would like to know when can we join a RotD.(Sorry for my bad english I'm french).I mean when did the ghost remake a party.
Hope you understand,waiting for your answer.

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Knipfaa Fri 16 Jul 2010 - 10:07

well ghost usually hosts when zig comes online and starts the bot (atleast i guess so)
just visit us east at the evening (we are like 8 hours ahead them) and join the channel "clan spor"

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Zigafoo Fri 16 Jul 2010 - 12:06

Actually they dont even have to get on east, my bot hosts on three the realms

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  BurnOut91 Fri 16 Jul 2010 - 12:23

L'hôte des bots sur tous les serveurs, y compris celui de l'Europe. Fondamentalement, n'importe quand, passant d'environ 11 heures jusqu'à 12 heures c'est quand ils sont plus susceptibles d'être sur. J'espère que vous comprenez cela, j'ai essayé d'utiliser un traducteur.

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Knipfaa Fri 16 Jul 2010 - 13:18

Knipfaa, Trolling is not allowed on the forums. Neither is racism

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  choctaw Sun 18 Jul 2010 - 8:30

Tahnk you for your advices !!I have an other question, why don't we do a sort of "guide" of the missions of the map ,like that we better know what we have to do?

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Zigafoo Sun 18 Jul 2010 - 14:02

Choctaw, there is a guide currently in progress. It takes time to make huge guides for big games. This will not only provide for the missions but items, abilities, skills, marines, etc. So it will take me time to finish it completely.
But you can go ahead and check it out. Here's the link to it Guide

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Knipfaa Sun 18 Jul 2010 - 14:38

the guide is kinda wrong and confusing

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Zigafoo Sun 18 Jul 2010 - 15:20

How so?

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  choctaw Sun 18 Jul 2010 - 18:41

Ok thanks ,I'm on it and when I will have more experience maybe I put information on it but thats in a long time:)

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Zigafoo Sun 18 Jul 2010 - 18:42


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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Knipfaa Mon 19 Jul 2010 - 13:54

well you post different pictures of different things for each marine. and also sometimes it isnt the actual stat of the marine because he is slowed down by to many baggage or disease.

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Zigafoo Mon 19 Jul 2010 - 15:10

How are those different things for each marine? each stat put on them are those units stats.

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  idiedtoday Mon 19 Jul 2010 - 23:16

zig, knipfaa obviously doesnt know what he's talking about...
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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Knipfaa Tue 20 Jul 2010 - 10:50

well probably i cant express myself clearly in your mother tongue.
like there is a screenshot of the night vision description below the engineer and also there is a screenshot for force recon where his movement speed is slowed down by something because its not "normal" but "sneaky" and red marked aswell.

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  idiedtoday Tue 20 Jul 2010 - 14:10

well, looking at zig's guide, i see that soem of the units are currently affected by something, or its just it's own aura.. what i think the problem is.. knipfaa thinks that the movespeed, attackspeed, things that could be affected, should be displayed, unaffecteed, like, maybe a units ms is really fast, but its displayed very fast, that would confuse me too.
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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Zigafoo Tue 20 Jul 2010 - 15:13

Well, ill update the whole thing as soon as dragon is done with his betas

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  choctaw Tue 20 Jul 2010 - 18:08

Oh! they're will be a beta?

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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  idiedtoday Wed 21 Jul 2010 - 3:30

off topic: its a purple worm with a jamaican hat smokin some weeds mon.

on topic: there has been many betas, and i bet there will be more as long as dragon resumes his quest for domination on warcraft 3
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How can we join a RotD party Empty Re: How can we join a RotD party

Post  Zigafoo Wed 28 Jul 2010 - 2:06

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