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Bug Reporting

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Bug Reporting Empty Bug Reporting

Post  Isolim Tso Tue 6 Jul 2010 - 2:17

Well, since I didn't see ANY kind of bug reports, might as well make it official.

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Detailed Discription
I find that the engineer is rigged to the point that it's nonplayable. To counteract this "bug", I kill every engineer that is picked in the beginning of the game. If you could fix that at some point in time, it would piss a lot less people off. =D
Isolim Tso
Isolim Tso

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Join date : 2010-07-06
Age : 30
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Bug Reporting Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Bug Reporting Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: Infrantry Unit Leader
MOS Experience:
Bug Reporting Left_bar_bleue31/100Bug Reporting Empty_bar_bleue  (31/100)

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Bug Reporting Empty Re: Bug Reporting

Post  Anonymou_s Tue 6 Jul 2010 - 2:20

Ha, Yeah, I've noticed the bug. I'm going to leave it as is.

An easy fix is just kill the Humvee thats all.

But dont matter because zombies tend to pile on the humvee so if you stay u cant move and if you leave ur die so either way its a gg Very Happy

Posts : 748
Join date : 2009-07-02
ROTD Rank : Pandemic & Ultra
Warn Status :
Bug Reporting Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Bug Reporting Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: Force Recon - 0321
MOS Experience:
Bug Reporting Left_bar_bleue90/100Bug Reporting Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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Bug Reporting Empty Re: Bug Reporting

Post  Isolim Tso Tue 6 Jul 2010 - 2:30

No, you can't actually attack the humvee. I've never been able to pull it off without being killed by humevee driver. NOTHING hurts the damn thing. Not SLDE, not claymores, not artillery.

Hey, at least I used this space! It's not wasted.

Last edited by Isolim Tso on Tue 6 Jul 2010 - 2:39; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Idgaf)
Isolim Tso
Isolim Tso

Posts : 38
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Age : 30
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MOS Specialty: Infrantry Unit Leader
MOS Experience:
Bug Reporting Left_bar_bleue31/100Bug Reporting Empty_bar_bleue  (31/100)

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Bug Reporting Empty Re: Bug Reporting

Post  Anonymou_s Tue 6 Jul 2010 - 2:42

Ah, Well lol people will get bored on using Engineer, he is okay buit there is allot better heros. once they rank up past engineer not many ppl will be using it

Posts : 748
Join date : 2009-07-02
ROTD Rank : Pandemic & Ultra
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MOS Specialty: Force Recon - 0321
MOS Experience:
Bug Reporting Left_bar_bleue90/100Bug Reporting Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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Bug Reporting Empty Re: Bug Reporting

Post  Isolim Tso Wed 7 Jul 2010 - 18:45

Hopefully. I will STILL kill everyone. =D
Isolim Tso
Isolim Tso

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MOS Specialty: Infrantry Unit Leader
MOS Experience:
Bug Reporting Left_bar_bleue31/100Bug Reporting Empty_bar_bleue  (31/100)

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Bug Reporting Empty Re: Bug Reporting

Post  Zigafoo Wed 28 Jul 2010 - 2:05

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Posts : 691
Join date : 2009-07-03
Age : 31
ROTD Rank : GoND 105270 (8/12/09)
Warn Status :
Bug Reporting Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Bug Reporting Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: Forward Observer - 0861
MOS Experience:
Bug Reporting Left_bar_bleue105270/999999Bug Reporting Empty_bar_bleue  (105270/999999)


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Bug Reporting Empty Re: Bug Reporting

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