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Can i pay with paysafe card?

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Can i pay with paysafe card? Empty Can i pay with paysafe card?

Post  gTs- Thu 18 Dec 2014 - 13:18

Hello, if I want to pay for a skin can also pay with Paysafe card?

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Can i pay with paysafe card? Empty Re: Can i pay with paysafe card?

Post  Kirsty-x Thu 18 Dec 2014 - 14:06

I'm not sure what the payment methods are but I paid with PayPal probably the safest way to pay for majority of stuff, your probably better off sending anonymou_s a private message because he deals with the skins and payments  Very Happy

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Can i pay with paysafe card? Left_bar_bleue0/0Can i pay with paysafe card? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Can i pay with paysafe card? Empty Re: Can i pay with paysafe card?

Post  Apple.Time Thu 18 Dec 2014 - 15:19

It will be Paypal and just Paypal, if it hasn't changed.

But as Kirsty-x told you, you must better send a priv to Anonymou_s Very Happy

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Can i pay with paysafe card? Left_bar_bleue0/0Can i pay with paysafe card? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Can i pay with paysafe card? Empty Re: Can i pay with paysafe card?

Post  gTs- Thu 18 Dec 2014 - 16:24

Ok , ty  Can i pay with paysafe card? 907177

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Can i pay with paysafe card? Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Can i pay with paysafe card? Right_bar_bleue

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Can i pay with paysafe card? Empty Re: Can i pay with paysafe card?

Post  King Thu 18 Dec 2014 - 17:06

It is only PayPal, I believe cause this is a gaming forums and not a shop, so it would make things harder to accept paybysafecard.

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