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How can we host own game ?

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How can we host own game ? Empty How can we host own game ?

Post  Zynx Tue 13 Aug 2013 - 14:57

I Never understand how i can host my game when i make one , no one is able to join :/ i wanna make my own map but it's for nothing if i can play with , with another players :O
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How can we host own game ? Left_bar_bleue1 / 41 / 4How can we host own game ? Right_bar_bleue

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How can we host own game ? Empty Re: How can we host own game ?

Post  Bruin22 Tue 13 Aug 2013 - 15:51

next time just make one post with all your questions.
to host games you have to portforward
go to portforward.com

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How can we host own game ? Empty Re: How can we host own game ?

Post  Zynx Tue 13 Aug 2013 - 17:19

Aw cost 29,95$ xD so ok i won't host game haha ty Wink and yep i'll make one with all my question next time ^^
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How can we host own game ? Left_bar_bleue1 / 41 / 4How can we host own game ? Right_bar_bleue

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