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Journeys into the abyss

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Journeys into the abyss

Post  Zariel Thu 20 May 2010 - 9:43

Towards the middle of september I shall be in America.
I am not telling you where, I do not trust some people not to stalk me.
What I will tell you is that I am going to space camp!
That's right! Zariel is learning how to be an astronaut.
Well...Sort of...
I might also be filmed for a documentry.
That is how awesome I am right now Wink
Do not doubt my supreme intelligence!
Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulders
Don't you know the hardest part is over?
Let it in, let your clarity define you in the end
We will only just remember how it feels
Our lives are made in these small hours
Little twists and turns of fate
Spontaneous singing?
Perhaps you will find that believable...
Well this topic is for all of you to share your upcoming journeys! Whether they be internal, body and mind, or external, travel and socialities.
Sergeant (grade 3)
Sergeant (grade 3)

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Thrallskingdom Thu 20 May 2010 - 12:32

I Like Pancakes Very Happy

(and now for the actual post, im the marching band at school and in a few weeks we will be leaving to go march in the Indi-500 parade, and thats about as exciting as it gets for now lol....)

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http://www.rotd.forumotion.net (duh)

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  idiedtoday Thu 20 May 2010 - 16:10

I'm planning on stalking thrall at the Indy-500
Well i'm IN indiana for fucks sake, so im gonna beg my parents to go to the indy-500... Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Twisted Evil
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MOS Specialty: Assaultman - 0351
MOS Experience:
Journeys into the abyss Left_bar_bleue90/100Journeys into the abyss Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  idiedtoday Thu 20 May 2010 - 16:11

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  BurnOut91 Thu 20 May 2010 - 16:17

I recently took a trip to northern Michigan and took muh Jeep off-roading and also went to Sivler Lake Sand Dunes and went ORVing there

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Thrallskingdom Thu 20 May 2010 - 17:06

ha jokes on u died we're not staying for the race Evil or Very Mad

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Zariel Thu 20 May 2010 - 20:21

Thrallskingdom wrote:ha jokes on u died we're not staying for the race Evil or Very Mad
Oh really?
Cause I heard Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley were making guest appearances.
Of course the voice in my head might be lying.
Sergeant (grade 3)
Sergeant (grade 3)

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MOS Experience:
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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Thrallskingdom Fri 21 May 2010 - 13:31

well if their showing up i bet died and Mr. Jackson will get along just fine Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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MOS Specialty: Designated Marksman
MOS Experience:
Journeys into the abyss Left_bar_bleue100/100Journeys into the abyss Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

http://www.rotd.forumotion.net (duh)

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Thrallskingdom Fri 11 Jun 2010 - 3:02

Well guys im leavin for canada tomorrow, ill miss u all for a week and a half, BYE! Sad

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http://www.rotd.forumotion.net (duh)

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Thrallskingdom Sun 13 Jun 2010 - 2:43

well i got access to a comp so ill be checkin in every now and then, dun leaves ma all alone Very Happy

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MOS Specialty: Designated Marksman
MOS Experience:
Journeys into the abyss Left_bar_bleue100/100Journeys into the abyss Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

http://www.rotd.forumotion.net (duh)

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Imacominforyou Mon 14 Jun 2010 - 12:40

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Your going to Canada????? Tell Dragon I said hi! Very Happy

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  BurnOut91 Tue 15 Jun 2010 - 17:19

Hey Thrall, while your in Canadia can u leave this gift at 1350 Quebec St.... its for a uh... old French friend i met in 'Nam.... dont ask how someone whos only 17 was in 'Nam.... and if you hear the gift ticking.... its just a clock thats attached to a bomb... Quebec sucks.

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  idiedtoday Sun 20 Jun 2010 - 17:13

i have another thing im going to do this summer
Punch a dog's kidney and then take a nap.
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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  kylekim Fri 25 Jun 2010 - 16:29

i know what i will do this summer, pray it never ends and hide in my house from naked skate boarders skating through water sprayers...


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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Zariel-- Sun 27 Jun 2010 - 0:04

Aight I am off, cyas all till I can be bothered playing War3 again.

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Thrallskingdom Sun 27 Jun 2010 - 0:06

cya zariel Sad

and on a side note ill be gone all next week, goin to boy scout summer camp, cya l8rz Smile

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  BurnOut91 Fri 9 Jul 2010 - 15:37

OMFGSSS your in Boy Scouts too? Yay we can be nerds together!! What camp did you go to?

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Isolim Tso Fri 9 Jul 2010 - 15:42

Sunday, I'm going to Colorado for a week, won't be back until Sunday/Monday
Isolim Tso
Isolim Tso

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Thrallskingdom Fri 9 Jul 2010 - 19:21

Reply to Burn: We went to camp Bucoco (i only just found this out this year but bucoco stands for buttler county council, ha xD) my troops small but meh it just aint the same as it used to be, all the older scouts r gone and theres the possibility ill be SPL next year and all these newer kids r just well... how should i put it... ahh i know their the example of a reason why im usually hesitant to tell people im a boy scout (cuz when most people think about it they think retarded obnoxious kids, which is what these newer kids r....) anyway theres my reply xD

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  BurnOut91 Fri 9 Jul 2010 - 20:47

Cool lol i got like 4 merit badges left to do and boooyyy have i been procrastinating that. xD

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  Thrallskingdom Fri 9 Jul 2010 - 20:52

ha i know the feeling, got 2 of my required at camp and i did one of the 100 year anniversary badges that they brought back, it was a lame badge but w/e xD (btw it was pathfinding, which odly enough has nothing to do with finding paths xD)

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  TriggeringUnit Fri 9 Jul 2010 - 22:03

i got my Troll Badge..........................jks xD

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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  idiedtoday Fri 9 Jul 2010 - 22:42

i really got my troll badge from omegle.. aint that right zig?
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Journeys into the abyss Empty Re: Journeys into the abyss

Post  rotd-lordlulu Sun 11 Jul 2010 - 15:32

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Journeys into the abyss Empty RE:Jorney into the abyss

Post  Guest Thu 15 Jul 2010 - 19:38

currently im on my way to college hoping to study more on programming at gateway thats all currently Journeys into the abyss Icon_biggrin

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