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why cant u be revived?

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why cant u be revived? Empty why cant u be revived?

Post  michael.j.haddad Fri 20 Aug 2010 - 14:01

its really annoying when u die cuz u just cant continue unless u saved cant u just put a timer for reviving or something


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why cant u be revived? Empty Re: why cant u be revived?

Post  Zigafoo Fri 20 Aug 2010 - 17:41

No, because the last time we had a revive system it completely glitched, causing so much work for so little need. Plus it could also make things impossible to get killed and such.

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why cant u be revived? Left_bar_bleue105270/999999why cant u be revived? Empty_bar_bleue  (105270/999999)


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why cant u be revived? Empty Re: why cant u be revived?

Post  Zigafoo Fri 20 Aug 2010 - 17:45

I have moved this topic to the Trash Can.

If you have any questions or concerns as to why this topic was trashed, please contact me privately through the board's personal messaging service.

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Posts : 691
Join date : 2009-07-03
Age : 31
ROTD Rank : GoND 105270 (8/12/09)
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why cant u be revived? Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4why cant u be revived? Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Forward Observer - 0861
MOS Experience:
why cant u be revived? Left_bar_bleue105270/999999why cant u be revived? Empty_bar_bleue  (105270/999999)


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