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Who can to make admin ! !!

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Who can to make admin ! !!  Empty Who can to make admin ! !!

Post  paladini Sat 13 Feb 2016 - 17:23

Hey All tell me who can make me admin at Vampirism Ultra Very Happy

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Who can to make admin ! !!  Empty Re: Who can to make admin ! !!

Post  Apple.Time Sun 14 Feb 2016 - 17:08

Hi ho there Paladini,

First of all, please don't double post for the same question Wink

Second, asking to become a moderator isn't that simple. 

-You have to be an RotD member ( well R0td from now on ) since some times. 

-You have to be a fair player who can follow the rules 

-You have to be trusted by some old members, moderators, or Admins 

-Then you have to make an application,a post where you try to sell yourself for that position. By that I mean that you have to explain why the Admins should give you that position.

I'm sorry to say that, but as I saw it, you're not really fit for that position. Last time a moderator gave you the " owner ", you were messing with the commands just to have some fun. Randomly muting people, opening and closing the obs spots. Results, you made people leaves the lobby. 
But in the end it's not on me to give you a proper answer since I'm not one of the Admins. So you can still try to make an application Wink 



Posts : 338
Join date : 2014-06-11
Age : 32
ROTD Rank : Vamp Ultra Lover <3
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Who can to make admin ! !!  Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Who can to make admin ! !!  Right_bar_bleue

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Who can to make admin ! !!  Left_bar_bleue0/0Who can to make admin ! !!  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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