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ban request : richard03

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ban request : richard03 Empty ban request : richard03

Post  ShareThePain Mon 19 Jan 2015 - 17:36

Hi everybody,

My nick : something, don't wanna be focus each game (in the replay)
 usually : sharethepain

his nick : richard03

why? because he left the feed, and rebuilt for feeding the vamp voluntary because I got mad.

Replay: https://www.mediafire.com/?iv7p9ysjdrn7nsi

He just wanted to see me (or the whole team) dying, then asked "then the pro? what's going on? you're dead?" 30k stats, 2x dfms, full stuffed vamps.
GJ at this noobs, I vote for a PERMA ban, I fed up with theses kids who doesn't suicide theirself and aim helping the vamp for killing HIS OWN TEAM! PERMA BAN FOR THESE FUCKERS!!!!

Corporal (grade 2)
Corporal (grade 2)

Posts : 41
Join date : 2014-10-10
Age : 34
Warn Status :
ban request : richard03 Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4ban request : richard03 Right_bar_bleue

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