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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D:

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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D:

Post  idiedtoday Thu 1 Jul 2010 - 21:49

i'm leaving this friday and i'll be gone the 4th of the July weekend, i'm being forced to go camping with family Sad
but dont worry! i'll be back monday!
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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Right_bar_bleue

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MOS Specialty: Assaultman - 0351
MOS Experience:
Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Left_bar_bleue90/100Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)

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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty Re: Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D:

Post  Zigafoo Thu 1 Jul 2010 - 21:55

The same will be with me, i will be leaving saturday and ill be coming back monday.

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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Forward Observer - 0861
MOS Experience:
Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Left_bar_bleue105270/999999Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty_bar_bleue  (105270/999999)


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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty Re: Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D:

Post  dawownz Tue 6 Jul 2010 - 17:12

ill be leaving friday and coming wednesday ^^

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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Being Noob
MOS Experience:
Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Left_bar_bleue90725/999999Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty_bar_bleue  (90725/999999)


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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty Re: Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D:

Post  Zigafoo Tue 6 Jul 2010 - 22:36

Topic is closed, reason: User is back and is no longer away.

Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Locked12



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Join date : 2009-07-03
Age : 31
ROTD Rank : GoND 105270 (8/12/09)
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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Forward Observer - 0861
MOS Experience:
Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Left_bar_bleue105270/999999Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty_bar_bleue  (105270/999999)


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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty Re: Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D:

Post  Zigafoo Mon 26 Jul 2010 - 10:37

I have moved this topic to the Trash Can.

If you have any questions or concerns as to why this topic was trashed, please contact me privately through the board's personal messaging service.

Recreating this thread or discussing these actions publicly is against the rules and will be grounds for a warning. Please do not do it.

Posts : 691
Join date : 2009-07-03
Age : 31
ROTD Rank : GoND 105270 (8/12/09)
Warn Status :
Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Forward Observer - 0861
MOS Experience:
Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Left_bar_bleue105270/999999Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty_bar_bleue  (105270/999999)


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Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D: Empty Re: Died's going away!!!........................... for a weekend D:

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