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The Haven Project

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The Haven Project Empty The Haven Project

Post  Nuby Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 14:35

Project inactive.


Status Report

Weaponry Merchant: In progress...
Attribute Trainer: In progress...
Ticket Treant: In progress...
Bodyguard Manager: Not started.
Heroes: Finished!
Haven Defenders: Finished!
Haven Raiders: Finished!
Terrain: Waiting on DragonComplex...
Triggers: In progress...
Spells: In progress...

Who's involved
• Dmg (Project Leader)
• L0K3 (Triggers)
• DragonComplex (Triggers)
• 3ICE (Triggers)
• prodigy.eSt (Beta Tester)
nhscooter (Loading Screen Assistant)
• Black. (Beta Tester)

Map Layout
Amendments will most likely be made.

Basically, the Haven Project is a campaign: when you beat Harhaven you will receive two codes, one of which gives you your experience points, the other allows you to move on to the next map (or Haven rather). This campaign goes on until all havens have become victorious in defending their havens!; any ideas taken from a map will be credited. This is how you play:

You can upgrade the Haven Raiders to attack the other team, and you can upgrade your Haven Guardians to defend from the Haven Raiders both through the following: movement speed, attack speed, damage, armor, quantity that spawns at once (only goes up to 8 for lag reasons), and their health. Every time you upgrade a certain part of the Haven Defenders' stats twice the Raiders stats will also go up in that attribute once. [NEW]

• If you win you will be sent to the other team to aide them in combat, as well as acquire a code to move on to the next campaign. [NEW]

• If you lose you just sit there and watch the other team play, or if the other team has already won and they have attempted to aid you in battle, and you still lose, not only will you have lost (duh) but the other team's players will also have lost 6 experience points. [NEW]

• There will be a save/load experience system (partial credit to RotD) so you can choose better heroes depending on your experience; each death decreases experience by 1, each raider kill increases experience by 2, each hero level up increases experience by 1, each hero kill increases experience by 4, each win increases experience by 12, each loss decreases experience by 6, and every item bought gives 1 experience.

• You can upgrade your hero in several ways: Damage, by doing the Weaponry Merchants' quests; Attributes, by accomplishing the Attribute Trainers' requirements; Leveling up, again by accomplishing some of the Attribute Trainers' requirements.

• There are four shops: the Attribute Trainers, one trainer to each team, simply gives you quests (every quest completed is a requirement completed) to acquire better attributes; the Weaponry Merchants, one to each team, gives you quests (every quest completed is a requirement completed) to buy or receive better weaponry; the Bodyguard Managers, two to each team, both give different types of bodyguards (or units) to aid you in your efforts to fend off oncoming raiders; and the Ticket Treant, from which you buy a Ticket to entire the creeping grounds (where all heroes from both teams may attack each other) to gain experience.

• The more experience each team possesses the better upgraded the Haven Raiders and the weaker the Haven Defenders start out at (balancing part for newcomers (partial credit to RotD)).

• Each teams' heroes can not cross over to the opposing team's side (to stop this from being called another Hero Wars and/or a DotA rip-off).

• They goal of the game is to keep the raiders from getting to your entity.


Once there was a great Azeroth Haven, where all creatures, strong and weak, demonic and angelic, lived in harmony. Then one day, they came... the raiders of Lord Bose, the most horrific and fowl army of demons ever to set foot in Azeroth! So hungry for power, Bose and his army have razed almost every Haven out there, and have sieged every known kingdom in the East. Now, they have found the last few Havens in all of Azeroth: Gunzen, the haven of discovery; Nezerdeth, the haven of secrecy; Butzenale, the haven of knowledge; and yours- Harhaven, the haven of defense. Unfortunately they have just located your haven. Now they challenge your haven's title. Are you strong enough to fend them off? Or will they raze your haven and destroy everything you stand for? The battle for survival, is at hand.

Loading Screen
I am currently taking help from anyone willing to get me this image to work as a loading screen. If you require the map I will post it here email it to you, so you may place the loading screen in it manually. Idiotically I never checked my settings before putting on the loading screen. The loading screen way I used (and nhscooter) was perfectly fine, I just had all my detail low which made the image look like crap.

Download Link

Will be given after completion.

Project Post-pone'd until further notice.

Last edited by Nuby on Thu 10 Nov 2011 - 1:24; edited 34 times in total

Posts : 321
Join date : 2011-03-27
Age : 72
ROTD Rank : Supporter
Warn Status :
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue1 / 41 / 4The Haven Project Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Pillaging villages.
MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue1337/666The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (1337/666)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Anonymou_s Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 15:48

You've put allot of thought into the story and design. I'm looking forward to seeing it. bounce Very Happy

Posts : 748
Join date : 2009-07-02
ROTD Rank : Pandemic & Ultra
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Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Force Recon - 0321
MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue90/100The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Nuby Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 15:52

thanks Razz
oh, and I need to ask you a favor...
could you make the save/load system for me? It's basicly the RotD one, except there are 10 heroes, and the experience decides the power of raiders and defenders

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Join date : 2011-03-27
Age : 72
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The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue1 / 41 / 4The Haven Project Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Pillaging villages.
MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue1337/666The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (1337/666)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Anonymou_s Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 21:00

Sure. I just need details in terms of what exactly you need saved. Do you want a number saved? the hero its self? the hero with all his items saved? or just the hero type? i need all these details.

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MOS Specialty: Force Recon - 0321
MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue90/100The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  nhscooter Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 22:55

This does seem like it can be a very good map and like Dragon i cant wait to see it

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MOS Specialty: 6432 Aviation Electronics Tech
MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue5/5The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (5/5)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  seanlou Sun 1 May 2011 - 12:11

Oh man codes system are a pain to make. I should have made drag make mine lol
or maybe it's just because I don't use JASS
anyways the maps sounds very interesting and I can't wait to see it, it should be fun Very Happy
Commander (grade 2)
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MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue27/100The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (27/100)

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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Nuby Sun 1 May 2011 - 15:38

DragonComplex wrote:Sure. I just need details in terms of what exactly you need saved. Do you want a number saved? the hero its self? the hero with all his items saved? or just the hero type? i need all these details.

Basically it's going to be like the ROTD save/load system:
• Only needs to save experience (experience will determine what hero you acquire)
• Experience will be counted as shown in the document (1st post in this topic)
• Does not save gold
• Does not save items
• Will need to be reusable (I'm planning on making this into a 4-map campaign)

On a side note, if anyone is willing to help me make the loading screen picture into the actual loading screen that would be great, and I would give credit where's do.

Posts : 321
Join date : 2011-03-27
Age : 72
ROTD Rank : Supporter
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The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue1 / 41 / 4The Haven Project Right_bar_bleue

Marine Statistics
MOS Specialty: Pillaging villages.
MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue1337/666The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (1337/666)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  nhscooter Sun 1 May 2011 - 23:23

I can help make the loading screen for you seeing as it should be easy enough to make and i have enough programs on this computer to make a masterpiece from a piece of rock

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MOS Specialty: 6432 Aviation Electronics Tech
MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue5/5The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (5/5)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Anonymou_s Sun 1 May 2011 - 23:26

Saving just a number should be very easy.

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MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue90/100The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Nuby Mon 2 May 2011 - 17:53

DragonComplex wrote:Saving just a number should be very easy.

Thanx, and could you make the experience system for me aswell? That would be great Razz

nhscooter wrote:I can help make the loading screen for you seeing as it should be easy enough to make and i have enough programs on this computer to make a masterpiece from a piece of rock

I don't need you to MAKE the loading screen, I just need you to make it to where I can easily import it and use it.

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MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue1337/666The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (1337/666)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  nhscooter Mon 2 May 2011 - 23:22

I gave Haez the download link for the files to make the loading screen work. Dragon we will need to convert the map later but that is no problem. Haez in case you lost the download link its http://tinyurl.com/452r4oo

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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Nuby Wed 4 May 2011 - 17:03

I am thankful for you assistance, but I was hoping you could get me that loading screen to look similar to the picture. I've used the same tutorial you have before asking people to help me, so there really wasn't much help there. The quality is terrible and I hope to God that I will not be forced to use the high quality tutorial, sacrificing a lot of megabytes, just to get my picture viewable in the loading screen. :\

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MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue1337/666The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (1337/666)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  seanlou Wed 4 May 2011 - 20:10

actually haez I believe that kind of code system is just storing a number but instead of using ten characters at each spot (like 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) you use for example 15 so (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,Q,W,E,R,T,Y)
using this Q3 would be the value 55
and with that you can convert each players name into a value (when i make code systems I use the first three letters in there user-name)

then when they enter a code you simply check to see if you divide by the value of there name if there is any decimal points (or remainder) is there is the code is incorrect if not the value that you divide by is there exp

Now I could be wrong on how drag does it cause I'm basing it off on how I do it
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MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue27/100The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (27/100)

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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Anonymou_s Thu 5 May 2011 - 1:29

Sean has the right idea. Tho it gets allot more complicated later when you need to save big digits and loads information.

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MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue90/100The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (90/100)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  seanlou Sat 7 May 2011 - 16:51

Oh don't I know it.
Remember when I made a zombie rip off of the black road that code system took forever to do
and like two days after it finally worked my PC crashed >.<
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MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue27/100The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (27/100)

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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Nuby Thu 10 Nov 2011 - 1:27

Project re-opened, I have a boatload of spare time and the only other way to spend it is owning people in teeworlds or chatting on wc3, plus I want to give more back to the community.

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MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue1337/666The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (1337/666)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Zekrai Thu 17 Nov 2011 - 8:44

Lol Gl with the project guys, im looking forward to this map, but im still confused O.O, so basically ur making this map so u can replay it with save system right? can i have some spoilers of what the heroes look like? do they have custom sprites?? or perhaps Pudding towers Very Happy lol j/k anyway, gl with the project i wish u luck and i just hope it comes out soon?

- X_Pudding_X

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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

Post  Nuby Sat 19 Nov 2011 - 15:35

The majority of the heroes are going to use basic skins (shamans, trolls, raiders, etc.). I'm not really sure how I'm going to set up all the towers as I'm waiting on Dragon to have some spare time to help me with terrain, but I can tell you that this game is going to strongly require teamwork to survive and to win. The shops will be quest shops (you have to finish quests for them to sell items to you; you have to finish quests for certain items).

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MOS Specialty: Pillaging villages.
MOS Experience:
The Haven Project Left_bar_bleue1337/666The Haven Project Empty_bar_bleue  (1337/666)


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The Haven Project Empty Re: The Haven Project

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